
April 3, 2008 Composition Exercise

April 3rd, 2008 in Hutchinson Hall.
The first thing I have to say is, Hutchinson Hall is so far away from my previous class, which placed in the other end of a diagonal line Gould Hall.

Anyway, after I read The Viewpoints Book, I somewhat expected some kind of stage composing or acting excersie on the first day, since the assigned chapters were all about that.
But still.....it was only the second meeting with the Berlin group when Shanga asked to compose a montage of 5 people in 120 seconds with the theme of the most memorable moment in you life.

Oh, my..... It usually takes me 3 minutes to think about the theme! However, this time, I don't have any choice. I had maximaize the capacity of my brain to memorize names of my group members (which is mostly gone now...sorry), memorize each movements for each story and compose my own montage.

Yep! that 3 minutes were the longest and also the shortest 3minutes that I had never experienced in my life! Nothing to say. It was one of the best icebreaker with strangers and also very interesting and fun exercise! Since each scene was a shot of spontaneous photos that you cannot see the same picture ever again, the montage exercise becomes more special.

It was amazing how people thought different ways to express a moment: a realistic scene, a progressive secene, an abstract scene and so on. These originality and differences make the composition and acting very attractive.

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