
Fair Play

Fair play was a weird play. It started with little bit negative minded regular people – means people who can be easily found around – but ended in a fantasy world. The part that made me uncomfortable would be that part. The most realistic people ended up in a fantasy world. Or it got on my nerves because of the fact of ‘controlling’. Thinking about I am controlled by somebody without my awareness makes me uncomfortable. Or some people might feel uncomfortable because they are serious realist, so couldn’t acknowledge some fantastic factors in the play. Although the play put me in an uneasy position, thinking about it right now, the play was pretty nicely composed piece; connection between the real world and the fantasy world through a drink and a wired theatrical house, people staying in a cyclic event, and realistic troubles in character’s life.

It was also good study of stage setting, usage of limited space, acting and composition. Dividing up different lives and spaces by putting frame and light gave good division between 5 characters although they were standing right next to each other. Using light structure as an airplane was really impressive usage.

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